Application of CAD/CAM Machines in Dentistry


CAD/CAM Machines in Dentistry


CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology is rapidly advancing in the field of dentistry, becoming a cornerstone of modern dental restorations. This article will explore the applications of CAD/CAM machines in dentistry and their benefits.


Initially utilized in manufacturing, CAD/CAM technology was introduced to dentistry in the 1980s. It enhances the precision and efficiency of dental restorations through a digital workflow. The CAD (Computer-Aided Design) part involves using scanners and software to create digital impressions of the patient's teeth, while the CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) part uses these digital designs to produce dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, and implants.

Types of CAD/CAM Machines

Chairside Systems

Features: Chairside systems typically integrate scanning, designing, and manufacturing functions, allowing dentists to complete restorations in a single visit.

Popular Brands: CEREC (Dentsply Sirona), Planmeca Fit.

Advantages: Reduces the number of patient visits and enhances comfort and efficiency of the treatment.

Lab Systems

Features: Lab systems are primarily used in dental laboratories, offering higher precision and variety in manufacturing.

Popular Brands: Roland DWX series, Amann Girrbach Ceramill.

Advantages: Capable of handling more complex restoration designs and suitable for mass production.

Main Advantages

High Precision and Consistency

CAD/CAM technology provides high precision through digital design and manufacturing, reducing errors found in traditional manual methods. Each restoration can precisely match the patient's oral anatomy.

Time Efficiency

Chairside systems allow for the completion of restorations in a single visit, significantly reducing patient wait time and the number of visits. Lab systems enable the mass production of restorations, enhancing overall efficiency.

Diverse Materials

CAD/CAM technology can work with various materials, including zirconia, ceramics, resins, and metal alloys. This material versatility allows dentists to offer personalized restoration options based on patient needs and budget.

Digital Workflow

The entire process, from scanning and designing to manufacturing, is digitized. This not only enhances workflow efficiency but also facilitates record-keeping and communication, reducing misunderstandings and errors.

Clinical Applications

Single Crowns

Using a chairside CAD/CAM system, dentists can complete a single crown restoration in one visit. An intraoral scanner captures digital impressions, design software is used to create the crown, and a chairside milling machine produces the final restoration.

Complex Full Mouth Restorations

For complex restorations, such as full mouth crowns or bridges, lab systems offer higher manufacturing precision and material choices. Digital impressions can be remotely transmitted to a dental lab, where technicians design and manufacture the restorations.

Future Trends

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning will further enhance the intelligence of CAD/CAM technology, automating design processes and optimizing manufacturing.

3D Printing Technology

3D printing is rapidly developing and will integrate with CAD/CAM technology to provide more complex and customized dental restoration solutions.

Cloud Data Storage

Cloud technology will enable easy access and sharing of digital impressions and design data, improving collaboration efficiency and data security.


CAD/CAM technology is revolutionizing dental restoration by providing higher precision, efficiency, and personalized options. As technology continues to advance, CAD/CAM machines will play an increasingly important role in dentistry, offering better experiences and outcomes for both dentists and patients.


  • Patterson Dental: CAD/CAM Milling Machines
  • CEREC CAD/CAM Systems | Dentsply Sirona USA
  • CAD/CAM Dentistry: What Is It and How Does It Work?
  • CAD/CAM solutions for dentists: Explore now | Dentsply Sirona
  • CAD/ CAM | Dental Milling Machines | DWX Series | DGSHAPE, A Roland DG
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