Dental peek Material Features and Advantages


PEEK, a high-performance polymer, is rapidly replacing metal components in dental applications due to its impressive properties. It is highly stable, biocompatible, and has been used in medical devices for decades. This article explores the advantages of PEEK as a dental material and its potential future applications.

Advantages of PEEK as a Dental Material


PEEK is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions, unlike metal which affects about 15% of people.

Used in various medical implants with proven safety.

Mechanical Properties

Strong yet lightweight, making it comfortable for patients.

Resistant to corrosion and minimal water absorption, ensuring long-lasting performance.


Compatible with CAD/CAM technology, allowing precise custom designs.

Retains properties after milling, making it ideal for custom dental devices.


Durable but not stiff, with a modulus similar to cortical bone.

Feels natural in the mouth and withstands constant stress from chewing.


Does not interfere with X-rays, CT, or MRI scans.

Can be augmented for better contrast when needed.


Can be color-matched to the patient's teeth, unlike metal which can be visible.

Ensures natural-looking dentures and other dental devices.

Taste Neutrality

Does not produce a metallic taste, enhancing patient comfort.

Potential of PEEK in Dentistry

PEEK is already used in demanding applications like aerospace and automotive industries. Its properties make it ideal for dental implants, which require:

Favorable Flexural Modulus

Matches the bone's flexibility, aiding in proper osseointegration.

Prevents complications like bone loss by not over-absorbing stress.


Lightweight and custom-fitted to the patient's mouth structure.

Does not trap heat, avoiding discomfort.

Minimal impact on taste and smell, unlike metal implants.

Extensive Biocompatibility

Proven safe through decades of research and application.

Unlike titanium, which can cause hypersensitivity in some patients, PEEK is non-immunogenic.


Compatible with all medical imaging forms, ensuring clear diagnostic images.

Versatility in imaging, showing no artifacts in MRI and CT scans.

Description and Applications

System: 98mm, 95mm, 71mm

Thickness: 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 22mm, 25mm


Strong and lightweight for improved patient comfort.

Digital design for a perfect fit.

Metal-free and taste-neutral.


Dental Crowns

Protect damaged teeth with appropriate hardness and wear resistance.

Tooth Bridges

Non-allergenic, preventing allergic reactions.

Partial Dentures

Elastic modulus similar to human bone, improving comfort.


Durable and stress-resistant, reducing the risk of breakage and stress shielding.


PEEK's versatility, comfort, and biocompatibility make it a standout material for dental applications. As technology advances, its potential in dentistry will continue to grow, making it a top choice for dental device materials.

