Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the Chicago lab day exhibition


As the world's leading supplier of medical devices and materials, Changsha Honchon Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to providing innovative, high-quality products to the global dental industry. Participating in this exhibition marks an important step for the company to expand the international market.

During the exhibition, representatives from Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. actively interacted with participants and introduced the company's zirconia products in detail. Zirconia is a high-strength, high-transparency material that is widely used in dental restoration and implant surgeries. This product not only has excellent biocompatibility, but also has long-lasting cosmetic effects and is highly sought after by customers.

Additionally, the company showcased its latest innovations, namely milling burs and dental peek products. Milling burs are high-precision cutting tools used in dental restoration and fabrication, providing precise and accurate results. Dental peek, on the other hand, is a high-strength and biocompatible material widely used in dental restoration and implant surgeries to provide patients with long-lasting solutions.

The products of Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. have received great attention and recognition from exhibition participants. Many customers have expressed strong interest in the company's innovative products and expressed their willingness to further cooperate with the company.

A representative of Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. said that participating in this exhibition is a key step for it to expand its international market share. By participating in such exhibitions, companies can have in-depth discussions with professionals in the global dental industry, understand market needs, and promote product innovation and development.

Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to be committed to providing high-quality, innovative products to the global dental industry and providing patients with better tooth restoration solutions. Company representatives said they look forward to cooperating with more international customers and making greater contributions to the global dental industry.

