Can eMax crowns crack or fracture?


eMax crowns are highly durable and designed to be robust, but they can break under certain circumstances. The material used in eMax crowns, lithium disilicate, is known for its strength and resistance to fractures, which means that eMax crowns generally have a long lifespan and can last up to 15 years.

However, if an eMax crown is fabricated too thin, it may be more susceptible to fractures. This is because, despite the material's strength, a crown that is too thin might not withstand the daily stresses of chewing and biting as effectively. Additionally, the risk of breaking can increase if the crown is subjected to excessive force, such as from grinding or clenching teeth, or if there is an underlying issue with the fit or preparation of the tooth.

To minimize the risk of fractures, it’s essential that the eMax crown is designed and fabricated according to the appropriate thickness and fitted correctly by a skilled dental professional. Regular dental check-ups and proper care are also crucial to ensure the longevity and performance of eMax crowns.

