Lithium Disilicate Ingots: Translucency, Shade Coordination, and Restoration Techniques


Translucency Levels:

E.max lithium disilicate glass-ceramic ingots are designed with five distinct translucency levels, allowing for unparalleled customization and flexibility in achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. Each translucency level serves a unique purpose:

1. High Translucency - Ideal for achieving a natural, light-enhancing effect that closely mimics the appearance of natural teeth, making it perfect for anterior restorations where esthetics are crucial.

2. Medium Translucency - Offers a balanced translucency that provides both aesthetic appeal and strength, suitable for both anterior and posterior restorations.

3. Low Translucency - Provides enhanced opaqueness, which can be particularly useful for masking underlying discolorations or for posterior restorations requiring additional strength.

4. Extra Low Translucency - Designed for optimal strength and minimal light transmission, ideal for situations where maximum durability and structural integrity are paramount.

5. Opaque - Provides a high level of opacity, which is effective for cases requiring significant masking of underlying structures or for high-strength posterior restorations.

Lithium Disilicate Ingots: Translucency, Shade Coordination, and Restoration Techniques(图1)

Shade Coordination:

E.max ingots are available in a comprehensive range of shades to ensure precise color matching and integration with the natural dentition. This extensive shade range allows for seamless coordination with existing tooth structures, enabling restorations that blend harmoniously with the patient’s natural teeth.

Restoration Techniques:

- Solid Restorations: Utilizing the recoloring technique, solid restorations are crafted by integrating the ingot's inherent translucency with a specialized staining process. This method allows for customized coloration while maintaining the inherent strength of the material.


- Layered Restorations: For more intricate esthetic results, E.max ingots can be layered to combine built-in characterization with additional external characterization. This layering technique enhances the depth and complexity of the restoration, achieving a lifelike appearance with sophisticated color gradients and translucency effects.

With these advanced options in translucency and shade coordination, E.max lithium disilicate glass-ceramic ingots provide versatile solutions for creating restorations that meet both functional and aesthetic demands, ensuring high-quality outcomes tailored to each patient’s needs.

