The Benefits of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns:


The Benefits of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns: 

An Overview

We all want to maintain our natural teeth and keep them healthy, but sometimes that is not an option. When teeth become severely decayed or damaged, a dental crown may be the ideal solution. Multilayer zirconia crowns are a type of dental crown that have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal. In this article, we will be exploring the benefits of multilayer zirconia crowns and taking a look at why they are quickly becoming the go-to option for many dental patients.

What is a Multilayer Zirconia Crown?

The Benefits of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns:(图1)

A multilayer zirconia crown is a dental crown that is made up of a number of layers of zirconia material. Zirconia is a strong ceramic material that is often used in the dental industry due to its strength and durability. Multilayer zirconia crowns are typically made up of “three” layers: a base layer, a middle layer, and a veneer layer. The base layer is made up of a strong zirconia material that provides the crown with its strength and durability. The middle layer is designed to provide the crown with a certain amount of flexibility, while the top veneer layer is designed to give the crown its aesthetic appeal.

super high translucency anterior multilayer zirconia feature

Multilayer zirconia feature

Advantages of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns

The Benefits of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns:(图2)

There are a number of advantages that come with multilayer zirconia crowns. One of the main advantages is that they are incredibly strong and durable. The layers of zirconia material give the crown a strength that is unmatched by other types of dental crowns. This makes them ideal for patients who require a permanent solution to their dental problems.

In addition to being strong and durable, multilayer zirconia crowns are also aesthetically pleasing. The veneer layer of the crown is designed to look just like a natural tooth, and the result is a crown that looks and feels just like your natural teeth. This makes them a great option for those who are looking for a permanent solution to their dental problems, but still want to maintain a natural looking smile.

Finally, multilayer zirconia crowns are designed to be biocompatible. This means that the crowns are designed to blend in with your existing teeth, as well as your gums and other surrounding tissues. This helps to ensure that your crowns will be comfortable and natural-looking for many years to come.

Disadvantages of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns

Despite their many advantages, there are some disadvantages to multilayer zirconia crowns. One of the main drawbacks is that they can be quite expensive. The cost of a multilayer zirconia crown can be significantly higher than other types of dental crowns. Additionally, the process of creating a multilayer zirconia crown can also be quite complex and time-consuming, which can add to the cost.

Another potential disadvantage is that multilayer zirconia crowns require a certain level of maintenance. While the crowns are designed to be strong and durable, they still require regular cleaning and care in order to maintain their strength and aesthetic appeal.

Types of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns

The Benefits of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns:(图3)

There are a few different types of multilayer zirconia crowns available. The most common type is the full-contour crown. This type of crown is ideal for those who require a permanent solution to their dental problems, as it provides the most strength and durability.

Another type of multilayer zirconia crown is the partial-contour crown. This type of crown is designed to provide the patient with a more natural-looking smile. This type of crown is ideal for those who want a permanent solution to their dental problems, but still want to maintain a natural looking smile.

Finally, there is the veneered crown. This type of crown is designed to provide the patient with a more natural-looking smile. This type of crown is ideal for those who are looking for a more aesthetically pleasing solution, but still require the strength and durability of a zirconia crown.

The Process of Creating a Multilayer Zirconia Crown

multilayer zirconium crowns made with cad/cam technology

Crowns made in laboratory with advanced dentistry cad-cam technology

The process of creating a multilayer zirconia crown can be quite complex and time-consuming. First, the dentist will take an impression of the patient’s tooth and send it to a dental lab. The lab will then create a model of the patient’s tooth, and begin the process of creating the multilayer zirconia crown.

The first step in the process is to create the base layer of the crown. This is done by milling a block of zirconia material into the desired shape and size. The middle layer is then created by adding a layer of porcelain to the base layer. This layer helps to provide the crown with a certain amount of flexibility and strength.

The final step in the process is to add the veneer layer. This layer is designed to provide the crown with its aesthetic appeal and is typically made from a ceramic material. Once the veneer layer has been applied, the crown is then polished and glazed to give it a smooth finish.

The Advantages of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns Over Traditional Crowns

When compared to traditional crowns, multilayer zirconia crowns have a number of advantages. One of the main advantages is their strength and durability. The layers of zirconia material give the crown a strength that is unmatched by other types of dental crowns. This makes them ideal for those who require a permanent solution to their dental problems.

In addition to being strong and durable, multilayer zirconia crowns are also aesthetically pleasing. The veneer layer of the crown is designed to look just like a natural tooth, and the result is a crown that looks and feels just like your natural teeth. This makes them a great option for those who are looking for a permanent solution to their dental problems, but still want to maintain a natural looking smile.

Finally, multilayer zirconia crowns are designed to be biocompatible. This means that the crowns are designed to blend in with your existing teeth, as well as your gums and other surrounding tissues. This helps to ensure that your crowns will be comfortable and natural-looking for many years to come.

The Cost of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns

The cost of multilayer zirconia crowns can vary depending on a number of factors. The type of crown you choose, the complexity of the procedure, and the dental lab you use will all influence the cost of the procedure. In general, however, multilayer zirconia crowns tend to be more expensive than traditional crowns.

Caring for Multilayer Zirconia Crowns

Caring for multilayer zirconia crowns is similar to caring for traditional crowns. It is important to brush and floss your teeth regularly, and to make sure to visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. In addition, it is also important to avoid biting down on hard objects, as this can damage the crown.


Multilayer zirconia crowns are quickly becoming the go-to option for many dental patients due to their strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal. While they may be more expensive than traditional crowns, they provide a permanent solution to dental problems, and can help to give you a natural looking smile for many years to come. If you are looking for a permanent solution to your dental problems, consider investing in a multilayer zirconia crown.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of multilayer zirconia crowns, and want to use the zirconia block product in dental office or laboratory, be sure to contact us today. Our experienced team of professionals can help you determine if a multilayer zirconia crown or block product is the right solution for you.

The Benefits of Multilayer Zirconia Crowns:(图4)

